
The holidays are upon us full force. While we’re eating turkey, being thankful and celebrating with family remember these can also be stressful times of the year. Bodywork and yoga are your friends, use them.

People sometimes tell me when they find out I’m a massage therapist or yoga instructor, “Oh! Of course, you’re so calm and relaxed, no wonder you went into that for a job.” I often giggle and respond, “Relaxed? It’s taken years of hard work and breathing with focus to Learn to be this calm.” I didn’t just arrive at decent health and more calm, I worked for it.

Riding in a car with a friend I realized I got extremely anxious. I was worried they weren’t watching the road and it dawned on me that all these years later, I’m still more nervous when other people drive. In the car accident I was in, someone else was driving so there’s this fear, this anxiety about loss of control. Even I get stressed and have bad days. Yoga and bodywork is how I deal with it.

These traditions have been maintained and passed down because they work. Don’t forget them over the holidays.

Barefoot Running

Is barefoot running better for you? Over the years I’ve come to realize that the body is so complex I’ll never figure it all out. One of the things that confound me is feet.

Feet are extremely complex structures and as the base of the entire body, help set the posture for the rest of your frame. Flat feet, fallen arches, bone spurs and other issues can be horrible for people and as a massage therapist I can work muscle tissue but fix flat feet? I still don’t know what’s possible.

I started hearing from clients about barefoot running and upon doing research found it hysterical to see that people are debating whether you should run on the balls of your feet or hit with the heel first. It’s the 21st century and we’re having debates about the most rudimentary of physical activities.

As someone without major foot issues I still find the barefoot running arguments interesting. I decided it was time to find out for myself. I ordered a pair of Vibrams, or Vibram five fingers and am very happy with what I see so far. As a yoga teacher I spend time barefoot often but these allow me to do daily activities with that same feel, the same sense of what’s going on beneath me.

I’m already aware of my feet but these take it to a new level. All day? Yep, they fit like a glove and even walking in a supermarket I can feel the temperature underneath my feet change when I walk into the frozen food section. Small distinctions from arch to arch can be felt and my bias towards my left foot is obvious. Do they fix flat feet? I’ve no clue.

Do your research on barefoot running. Read articles and keep shoes handy but I’m sold. I’ve done no other exercise for years and these make me want to go out and run. I’ll be challenging myself soon to start a basic jogging regimen and I’m excited to see what it will be like using these minimalist shoes.

Ramana Maharshi

My feelings about healing work, depth of observation and practice lead me to various spiritual traditions at times. I make no bones about being a westerner who takes “truth” wherever I find it. I rely on Jesus’ teachings as much as eastern spirituality, particularly Indian spiritual men as I discover them. One in particular who’s influenced my life is Ramana Maharshi.

Life can throw you curve balls, the unseen can be scary and as I strive to make sense of the world around me I find his teachings plain, pure and simple. When I’m feeling claustrophobic, like there’s no escape, it’s usually more difficult to hold onto some spiritual core. As I age I see these moments are more important to my own personal spiritual growth. Accepting the darkness, the most sinister places in yourself and in life as part of your teaching takes perseverance, time and patience that tests me to my limits.

In those moments, I can see Ramana’s teachings like these:

“Existence or Consciousness is the only reality. Consciousness plus waking we call waking. Consciousness plus sleep we call sleep. Consciousness plus dream, we call dream. Consciousness is the screen on which all the pictures come and go. The screen is real, the pictures are mere shadows on it.”

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.”


Seated Forward Bend

Seated forward bend or paschimottanasana is a safe pose to practice regularly. The primary precaution as in standing forward bend is being careful with the lumbar spine. The pose is a deep forward bend and one must be careful not to strain the lumbar musculature in addition to herniating discs from posterior pressure.

To safely practice the pose, you’re working on stretching the hamstrings: semimembranosus, semitendinosus and biceps femoris to be exact. You can bend your knees as much as you want but slowly engage the quadriceps and lift the kneecaps. This beginning of lengthening the legs and straightening them will give you the tension to need to begin opening those deep tight hamstring muscles.

The strap shown allows one to focus on opening the calves and achilles tendons. The additional grip with the hands also allows more pull, a pull that’ll slowly allow you to lengthen the hamstrings and begin lengthening the spine. Always remember in forward bends, the pressure is in the backs of the legs, no sharp pain is felt behind the knees and you allow the hamstrings to open slowly as you breathe. Only then do you allow the spine to fall open and begin tractioning the spine.

What is Thai massage pt.4

Thai massage is old world asian physical therapy. You’re not having a client do exercises but the therapist is helping extend range of motion in joints, softening muscle tissue and allowing the nervous system to idle in neutral.

Many people are keyed up. Modern life in cities is a constant blur and trying to remain sane is often a struggle. To say we’re scattered is putting it lightly. In yoga I’ve heard teachers talk about what it means to embodied. As a yoga teacher and practitioner I completely understand that process and its value. Thai massage allows me to give clients a small taste of that.

Life can be fun, full of joy and you can have less pain. Being in your body, enjoying the sensations of a therapist compressing muscle and moving you around can produce warm, glowing, nurturing sensations. In a culture where people touch little and have high degrees of back pain, Thai massage is desperately needed.

Low stress, better health and a more integrated sense of well being? Sign me up! Thai massage is the best.

How to forward bend

Uttanasana or standing forward bend in yoga is an ubiquitous pose in yoga classes. The pose lengthens the back of the body, brings fresh blood into the head and is a component of surya namaskar or sun salutation.

Uttanasana and other forward bends can be problematic for those with lumbar spine issues and low back pain. Go slow. When someone has low back pain we usually recommend more back bending and less forward bending until the problem resides.

The hamstrings are inordinately tight, remember to go slow and breathe. Yoga is not a race, it’s all about feel. If the pose feels good, then it is good. Allow your chest to rest on your thighs and slowly lift the kneecaps to lengthen the legs and deepen the hamstring stretch.