Forearms and Hands pt.1

The forearms and hands are areas that massage therapists are all too aware of. Our work means that if we’re not careful we can develop the problems we see in our clients. My wife Andrea wanted some videos discussing and delving into the work we do together exploring how to keep her in shape to knit and work in fiber arts.

As an avid bodyworker married to a fiber artisan I’m very aware of the areas she’s working and how to release them, thus making her job easier. One of the things we discussed beyond the physical issues we encounter in our work is the mental anxiety that comes with knowing that if you cannot work, then what? This stress led me to figure out my own hand and arm issues and I’m happy to announce that I’ve been doing what I do for ten years with no signs of stopping. Self care is a big deal.

In the video we’re stretching the forearm extensors. I see people regularly who announce they have carpal tunnel syndrome who have horrible trigger points in their forearm extensors. Treat the trigger points and often…carpal tunnel goes away. That’s a large announcement but unless there is actual nerve degeneration my professional expertise is that Good bodywork can ease carpal tunnel issues and lead to a reduction if not disappearance of symptoms.

Stretching the forearms and applying pressure yourself with a tennis ball, baseball, then golf ball in that order is a superb way of having knitters take care of this area. Musicians, desk junkies and massage therapists take note, you need this too. It will help you understand the area we’re working on and how to alleviate the chronic issues you encounter from repetitive motions. If you find the floor doesn’t work for you try the same exercises against a wall.

Good luck and check out part 2. I’ll post that soon.

Image and yoga

For years now my practice has mainly been solitary. I practice Bikram yoga at a studio once a week and as far as community is concerned that’s just the hand full of students who show up at my home studio twice a week. I vascillate over whether to engage in more sangha locally at a studio and also wonder if it’s best to continue my slow steady solo path.

There are advantages to either side of a yoga practice. Years ago I went to maybe 10 classes total before I just practiced daily at home the 20 or so poses I’d learned. Being alone meant I could hold the pose longer, hang out, breathe and really deepen my practice in a way that I couldn’t at a studio where the teacher was helping a whole class move through the poses and didn’t have time to focus on me alone.

In solitary yoga you don’t get any community. There is something to be said of sangha within the yoga community and being able to relate to our communal goals and work in our practice. At times this makes me aware of the real humanity of the practice and as a teacher it reminds me to try to meet students where they are at. All of my students are different, have different bodies and needs and as much as possible I try to steer them the direction that will give them the most bang for their buck so to speak.

Financially as a teacher it may be best to venture out, teach at a studio and work with a larger number of students. This also creates an interesting setup regarding the studio itself. In the US people expect a large, spacious studio with wooden floors. Everything is clean, tailored just so and comes with all the trappings we think of in such a space. I care nothing for image.

Part of the reason I’ve enjoyed working in my home studio is that it’s about the practice, not the space. There is no image to maintain. It has a carpeted floor, it’s a repurposed garage and has recycled mirrors. If you’re looking for what you consider a yoga studio, you’re in the wrong place. My studio is about yoga, not about image.

That one sticking point has prevented income over the years. I could make more if I spent more time focused on image, scenery and facade but how would it affect my practice? My concern is that it would lose depth. I love looking at photos of sadhus in India in sackcloth covered in ashes. That my friends is yoga. You’re breaking down your ego, not bolstering it with brazillian wood floors and painted mandalas in an air conditioned building.

Both as a teacher and practitioner I go where I feel works best for me. Image isn’t my forte. If you’re looking for image this isn’t your practice and I’m not your teacher. Substance? Oh, there’s depth over here.

“Once in awhile you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.”~~the Grateful Dead


Ashtanga yoga as it’s come to be known was taught by Krishnamcharya to a young Pattahbi Jois who’s shown in the video below as an older man. I started watching this video because I’m not particularly familiar with Ashtanga and find that I’m wanting more of a flow to my teaching sequences in class.

Ashtanga was the original flow series. As I understand it all of power yoga, power flow and such sprouted from this series. Visually I’ve always noticed that Ashtanga adepts are very long and thin. The series can be adapted to fit any health level but I remind myself that it was created, developed and first taught to a Very healthy 13 year old boy, namely Pattabhi Jois.

Typically in classes I’m using Iyengar alignment with a little sun salutation then we branch out into whatever I’m feeling that day. My private practice is similar except I go slowly and feel my way through every pose like I’m meditating. This contrasts well for me personally due to my Bikram practice but with students being led I prefer to keep them moving a bit more from pose to pose.

One can become lost in the names of modern yoga teachers and their practices. In the end remember it’s important to sample different styles and do what works for you. With hatha yoga that’s not harming yourself and continuing your exploration. Around the 40 minute mark of this film they start doing poses that I’m not currently comfortable doing much less teaching. Even I must remind myself that this is a life long practice, not something done overnight.


When I went to the Moving into Stillness retreat with Erich Schiffmann and friends I watched Erich like a hawk. This is common to anyone who teaches me. Over time I’ve learned that your teachers are everyone. What I like, what I dislike and what I aspire to be are contained in those around me and if you look closely your teachers are never further than a glance away.

My reason for watching Erich is I won’t have a huge time around him. What I’m looking for isn’t truth, least not from Erich so much as listening to a friend on the path who’s exploring to share insight. It’s not just teacher to student or peer to peer as much as he’s been doing this awhile, he’s charted the path more during his years…watch him.

While engaging our group in a talk he discussed meditation. All of yoga for Erich goes back to this. Hatha yoga is designed to get one ready to meditate. I’ve only just started practicing sitting meditation after working on my posture for years. As Erich discussed meditation he said, “there’s just something about it.”

The hawk like precision I had made me say, “Aha!” internally. Even he, after all these years recognizes it’s ineffable. Krishnamurti, Iyengar and now Erich all putting their hand on their forehead and going how can you describe the indescribable? Everyone attempts to, what other language is there? We use symbols to communicate and share but in the end it’s your path and no one else’s. Teaching is good but it will never communicate experience itself.

“There’s just something about it.” That small glimmer of light within his talk put me at ease. It feels good to have community that is as perplexed, confused, happy and in awe of what we’re working with. We’re alive. We’re focused and trying to gain more insight in how to lead healthier, better and more integrated lives. Yoga and meditation are good medicine, not just for your body but for your soul.


I almost loathe the word expert. It’s tossed around so willy nilly that people talk to me and consider me an expert on gardening or worm composting but if you looked at our garden, well, you might think twice about listening to my advice. I’m still trying to figure it out.

Occasionally someone will call me a yoga master and as I appreciate the compliment I remind myself that I know what seems like nothing. I may know a little more than you but that just means I’m a step ahead. If you want to be where I’m at just take some time and practice after reading a few books. The words expert and master exist in some relative space. It only means something in context. Next to the average guy in the supermarket, sure I’m a yoga expert. Stand me next to BKS Iyengar and I know nothing. I can’t even stand on my feet correctly.

What I know comes from books, asking questions, google, reading and study but the heart comes from my own experience. There may be better ways but I’m not aware of them. If I did, that’s what I’d be teaching. When I lead student through a yoga pose I’m leading them through what I do. Over time the yoga of teaching gets stronger and with feedback I’m more aware of the nuances in their practice but what I know, in my heart, is my practice.

How does someone become an expert? I think you continue to grow, push and explore. Being an individual means you take your own path, not someone else’s. My students are told time and again that it’s their yoga, not mine. I will lead you through to the best of my ability through what I’ve done but you must make the practice your own. Yoga is about feel. I can’t teach you to sense every nerve, cell and nuance while breathing into it. That’s you. Your job. I point the way, you walk.

Knowing the boundaries and parameters of bodywork means well, honestly folks I’m a snob. I hate using that word but it’s as if I’ve been working and cooking in 4 star plus restaurants and someone wants me to pretend fast food is high cuisine. I’m picky about bodywork and with a public who may not have explored the work of massage warehouse surplus may be fine. That may work well and be what those people need. I offer more. There are days I wish I could receive my own bodywork.

Mastery is the word I prefer. I’ve achieved a level of mastery. Granted I’m not even sure what that level is. I’ve never completed Bikram’s yoga in totality through a sequence. For six years I’ve worked and I still cannot hold all the balance poses, go deeper into some etc. It’s fine though, having heart and perseverance will beat out any in born skill over time. Tortoise and the hare.

Currently my level of mastery means I want an audience. I want people to listen. I wish for students to sit and ask questions, let me talk and converse with them on the state of our health care system. Yoga and bodywork are a solid foundation along with local food to base your health upon. There will always be more. Being an expert and developing mastery mean this, you’re painfully aware of the limitations of your knowledge. That is where I am. Painfully aware.

Thai massage license

I stumbled across an article from the Naga center in Portland, OR. I’ve been familiar with them for over a year now, occasionally returning to their website to check out the structure and well, to feel like I’m visiting family.

When I ran across the above article I felt somewhat sad. It brought home to me just how alone I feel at times. In the bodywork world, I’m a fringe of a fringe. What do I do? I know I engage in some of the most healing bodywork on the planet. Let me say that again, I engage in some of the most healing bodywork…on the planet. I was taught by my teacher and absorbed everything I could over the course of several years. As a teaching assistant I watched like a hawk and continued to apprentice myself to glean any information I could about this healing work I’ve grown to love.

Who gets it? Not many. If you’re reading this in and around Austin, TX most of our citizens don’t even know what Thai massage is. Those that have had it, may not have had a session that was any good. Who is the teacher? How long was the course? Are they a licensed therapist? The list of questions go on but here’s my opinion on the matter folks. I’ve lived in Austin, TX for six years and you know who gives me bodywork? My students. I can barely find anyone who practices this healing art and after conversations with my teacher, took up the banner and decided I’d pour my being into creating a dent in Austin, TX. You may not know what Thai massage is now but give me 20 years and it’ll be as common as swedish and deep tissue.

Should Thai massage be regulated beyond the usual massage licensing board in the state of Texas? I put my palm gently on my forehead and lament whatever thoughts come up. I recently started teaching anyone who wants to learn through the Austin Thai massage group on Facebook. Why? Why would I give it away? Quite simply because someone gave it to me.

My holding up the banner is because I was taught traditional Thai massage by a competent and thorough teacher who gave me her blessing to start teaching others. When people want it, here you go. Your sincerity is enough, let’s get to healing. There’s no need for you to be a licensed massage therapist to practice this work. I honor, obey and follow the rules and regulations of the state of TX but reading the article from the Naga center I realized how alone I’ve felt. Six years I wandered around knowing nearly no one knew what I did, where it came from or what its benefit was. Massage is done on a table, cream is used and the client is naked. The first obstacle new students who are massage therapists face is they come to me and I say, “get rid of your table, get rid of your cream and leave the clients clothes on.”

I will continue teaching and promoting this healing work because it’s needed. Need, not want. People are in pain, they suffer. Who gives them relief? I remember Jesus’ saying, “Come to me ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” We should be following the advice of great teachers. I’ve said it before to a group of massage therapists and I’ll say it again, If Jesus returned to earth today and performed healings, he’d be put in prison for practicing medicine without a license.

Thai bodywork, Thai massage has a home in Austin, Tx. I’m helping to promote, educate and preserve this tradition. No fluff, solid substance and deep healing. Massage therapists, do yourself a favor. Come see what the fuss is about.


Raw milk

Just the words strike fear into many it seems. Milk itself has been under attack for some time by vegans and others who consider drinking milk post baby to be absurd. Images of horribly treated animals, bovine growth hormones and cattle bred repeatedly to produce milk are tossed around while most have never really been around cattle, dairy or otherwise.

Raw milk is legal in the state of Tx under strict rules. Dairies are highly inspected and one of these rules regarding raw milk is that it Cannot be delivered, you Must pick it up at the farm. You can see how living in a city would make this difficult. These laws and rules aren’t set up to help farmers, their set up to help agribusiness. Do small dairy farmers have money for lobbyists? The milk lobby does. Got legislators?

I admit my ideas about food issues are strongly influenced by the writing of Joel Salatin.

I’d never had any raw milk until recently. I got a message from someone I know letting me know that someone was bringing some into the city. Feeling I was purchasing Afghani heroin I whispered to my wife and asked if she wanted to try “raw milk.” We won’t even cook it in a spoon, so pure it’ll just dissolve in water. So, we made our contacts, set up our pick up time and I drive in and wait. Drugs. This is buying drugs folks. It was day time but this distinctly felt like a surreptitious illicit transaction.

I had my cash ready and scored our teat juice and asked the guy who delivered it, “Isn’t this illegal?” He said that in fact the delivery is but he’s hoping the laws will change. I nodded, didn’t want to make too much of our drug deal and headed home to keep our milk cool.

I cracked open our gallon and it just looks like, well, milk. Same gallon plastic jug, same plastic top with that removable band. I poured it into a glass and noted that the pour was different, thicker. I tasted it and was delighted to see that this was more creamy than what I get at the store. Over time I’ve noted that since the produce isn’t homogenized it separates some, the cream tends to rise and I can shake it to mix it if I care to. Overall, it’s just milk. I find it creamier, richer in flavor and I really prefer it.

We’ve been drinking it now for a few months and my choice is the raw milk. Regardless of any concerns about health, pasteurization and such I think it just tastes better and that’s enough for me. It’s local, depending on how you define that, supports a neighbor farmer and his cows are hopefully well tended and cared for. Keeping money in the local economy is good and I don’t mind spending a few extra dollars on food that’s source is traceable.

I’ve had one glass of pasteurized Horizon organic milk since drinking raw milk. Only thing I could think was, “this tastes cooked.” Let your tastebuds and gut be the judge.

Neighbor as Self

I watched and listened to this latest video and I’m glad I’ve chosen to shoot, edit and distribute content on my own. This freedom means I can discuss whatever I care to and whatever is on my mind at that present moment.

In this video I discuss yoga, some of its energetic underpinnings and also touch on how I came to the practice. Energy flow and a release of physical tension lead to a clearer sense of self and a calm nervous system allows us to listen to others easily. With this new found calm you can begin the process not only of sitting meditation but making life itself meditation.

When discussing yoga in a western culture there are many stumbling blocks. If someone tells me they are a Christian and therefore cannot do yoga my hackles raise. If God who created you wishes you to be in back pain, have poor health and the inability to use the temple he’s given you, then he’s simply not much of a heavenly father. Sounds more absentee to me.

That may be a harsh statement but consider that for ten years I look around and see suffering. Jesus came to remove suffering. Much like my teacher I’m here to help do the same. That’s why I teach yoga and practice Thai massage.

Massage your dog

While Erika was at Flipside I watched her dog Maggie and decided to shoot a short video on how to massage your dog. Years ago when I finished massage school I was taken with anatomy and could visually see the muscles involved in cooking a chicken or massaging a friends pet while at a party. This curiosity has served me well as a bodyworker. My sense of anatomy and functional capacity is higher for exploring outside of the standard academic confines.

Mammal anatomy is relatively similar and dogs of Maggies size are a perfect place to explore. Remember not to stress your hands and use your fingers, palms, heel of the hand and knuckles to do the work in a way that honors the joints and how they move.

The three main areas we focus on are the temporalis around the temples, the erector spinae along the spine and the shoulder in the front. Everything we press into is fleshy, push through the hair and skin to feel the muscles underneath. This is different than petting a dog topically but animals enjoy this just as much as humans do. Think doggie spa.

Dogs like Maggie hold far less postural strain than humans due to walking on all fours. Many of our issues with posture are due to standing upright. I rarely find out and out strain or excess tension in animals, they don’t hold onto things, they live in the present moment. We can learn things from them about how to live and approach life. Use massage to connect with your family pets.

Is Thai massage, massage?

Over the years I’ve grown past borders, boundaries and certain conceptions. The way I work is based on ten years of experience and the practical necessity of doing what works. My work comes out of helping myself first, then I pass that information on to you. I’m doing quite well and it helps me speak authoritatively on the subjects I address regarding health.

A client commented on my work and asked how I knew to work a spot on his leg. I told him that his arches are fallen, that it’s rotating his legs inwards and causing a case of flat back that contributing to his low back pain. No frills, no fuss, just alignment. He told me he didn’t think other massage therapists would have noticed his feet and I’m again reminded of why I’m teaching Thai massage and what I do. I’m good at it. Really good. I’m not just rubbing cream on you, I’m trying to find the key that unlocks your posture and allows you to heal.

Thai massage isn’t really massage as far as most are concerned. Someone told me recently that their spa job didn’t like them stretching clients. The concern was that she was helping make the clients better and therefore the clients would leave. How would they make money? Thai massage is so far out of left field to most people that they can look at it and be puzzled. I practice it, teach it and promote it because it works. Simple, so simple most massage therapists are ending their careers early and losing out on what I consider the best bodywork around.

Thai massage is done on a mat, not a table. Thai massage is done with clothes on, not nude. Thai massage is done without creams or lotions. Those three things can leave a massage therapist disoriented, I’ve seen it in my classes. They settle in quickly and I’m drawing the creative, the visionaries and healers in our profession to the work but I see the momentary bewilderment in their eyes. Thai massage takes what you think bodywork is and turns it upside down.

When I teach at a local massage school, the first thing I do is take off my shoes and do a headstand. The whole class looks at me puzzled and I ask them, “what does this do?” As they speak and we talk about it I’m sending a message visually, I’m here to turn your education upside down. If you grab what I’m teaching, take it and use it you’ll come out on the other side whole. No ego, no pat on the back, this is hard work but it’s worth every bit of effort.

Is Thai massage, massage? Depends on what you think massage is. What’s your goal? My goal was health. I wanted no back pain. I wanted to stand tall, to sit upright and be able to meditate. I can do all of those now. Do you want less back pain? Do you want to heal from old injuries? Do you want better posture? Do you want to make contact with your soul? Do you want to be centered and calm? Do you want a better life? Thai massage can help give you that.

No ego. Ten years experience. On a good day I sit and realize my spine feels cushioned, whole and supported by angels and clouds. I can only smile. My work, my life and my practice are the same. This isn’t a intellectual exercise, this is real life. Massage as most think of it only took me so far. I still use it when appropriate but most people need Thai bodywork or Thai massage. I see you stand and feel your pain from slouching. I sense your anguish and frustration with life. I feel it because I’ve been there, past tense. I’ve kept working on it and every day it gets a bit better. Less strain, less stress, better breathing. That can also be yours.

Come get a session, find out for yourself.

Massage therapists, forget what you’ve been taught. Step into a new way of doing things. You’ll save your hands and build a career, the kind that will allow you to prosper spiritually and financially. 20 years from now Thai massage will be as ubiquitous as swedish and deep tissue. Trust me.


I was asked to write a specific post about water and how much of it one should drink. In thinking about the topic I decided to do a quick google search and discovered that as presumed there are widely variant numbers and ideas on what should be the amount someone drinks in a day. Of those variables, here are a few: Are you male or female, exercise regularly, pregnant, high or low altitude, dry climate.

All of those surely factor but in thinking about how much water someone should drink I went back again and again to it’s your body. I can’t give you a definitive amount. Much like exercise or how deeply you should go into a yoga pose you have to feel that out for yourself. I will give you my personal experience.

I’ve practiced Bikram yoga for 6 years. In those years I’ve learned to drink more water consistently but recently noticed I was getting headaches after class. I was dehydrated. We use no central a/c in our home, the temperatures are going up and I wasn’t compensating for the amount I was sweating during the day. When I pass through the kitchen I drink another large glass of water, probably 8 to 12oz. or so. I keep doing this most of the day and urinate frequently. I’d prefer to drink a little more water than I need knowing that my body will eliminate the rest. When I urinate I expect to see the color as light yellow or clear. That’s all you really need to know in my honest opinion.

Urine color can be affected by B vitamins which I get in the form of nutritional yeast so keep that in mind. Also after a night of drinking I notice a darker yellow stream. Long term I think urine color is the surest way to keep track of whether you’re drinking enough water or not.

Your body needs water to do most everything it seems and you hear these numbers tossed about that you’re 60% water and so on. What I do know is that I find everything else works better when I’m well hydrated. I eat less, feel more flexible, have easier and more frequent bowel movements and if I do decide to drink I don’t feel as hung over the next day. Bottom line, drink more water, what’s the downside?

Alcohol in particular can take it out of me and over time I drink less. A solid single beer is usually enough for an evening, sometimes even at a party. I have a large glass of water before the beer and another after. I have to drink more water due to the dehydrating effects alcohol has on me personally. Austin is a dry climate and as a party town I think it more important for people to have extra water here.

Bikram yoga tricks me into drinking more water. You simply have to hydrate more due to the water loss from sweating that occurs during class. You’re twisted and squeezed out like a sopping rag again and again in class. You learn, as I still am, to hydrate during the days before class and it builds into your habits.

Long term how much water you need is up to you and your lifestyle. I say drink until your urine is clear or light yellow. What’s the harm? I feel better when I’m getting enough water and of all the things related to health that are complicated water is the one that seems fairly simple. Tea? Coffee? Soda? I say just drink more water. If you have any of those regularly they add to the amount of overall fluid you drink but in the end your urine color should be the judge.

This post is much simpler than talking about what one should eat. Hand to forehead. 😛

Where does yoga lead us?

This is the first of what I consider a video dharma talk. Dharma is used in a specific context within buddhism and I use the term loosely. In all things take what makes sense to you and leave the rest behind. My purpose in posting the video is to bring more clarity to the spiritual component of hatha yoga and how a regular practice within this realm can change your life.

Hatha yoga practice leads to meditation. This is the entire purpose of a hatha yoga practice and what it’s designed to do. The vibrant health that comes from a practice hopefully allows someone to live a long full life where they can continue their meditation practice and spiritual pursuits. A balanced body leads to a balanced mind and then you tap of the door to the spirit. The integration of these parts of your being continues. Yoga means union.

I’d like to thank Erich Schiffmann for the added encouragement to post this video. The ease with which he complimented my videos as being heart felt made this a much easier process.