Incremental money

Money is a sticky spot for most people. I know few who don’t have some stress about it in some form and as a full time massage therapist I’ve spent many nights wondering where the rent would come from.

I accrued 5k in credit card debt over the years and it came and went several times. Payed down, built up again and though my practice would grow, bills always seemed a little larger than my income. I’ve never been one to spend extravagantly but when you need groceries and you don’t have that paycheck for two weeks, credit card debt can build up easily when you stack car repairs on top.

Today I payed off my credit cards in full. That 5k in debt has taken me a year to work on incrementally and with good luck it’ll never come back. Compound interest I’ve heard it said is the strongest force in the universe and I believe it. Like gravity it can weigh you down.

Altering and changing ones life in a way that fits your values is important. I’ve resisted the stress of the holidays and instead of buying gifts, I payed off what I owed in the hopes of a year where I can afford gifts without interest payments. Want to help me avoid more debt? Schedule a Thai massage with me or come to my yoga classes, every little bit helps.

Just as your yoga practice will grow as you lengthen your spine, that incremental buildup leads to great things. Your breath expands as your diaphragam strengthens and your focus is more sharp. I’ve always been impressed at how the physical integrates into the emotional and energetic body and in the past week my oldest back pain dissipated to the point where I realized it no longer seemed to be there.

I’ve been working on that since the accident that led me into my current work. Twelve years it’s been a lingering annoyance and pain. It came and went, sometimes better sometimes worse but this is the longest it’s been gone. Lengthen your spine and breath indeed. Incremental is the only way things work.

Thai massage in Austin

Often people ask what Thai massage is? I’m finding more and more that I’ve learned my way into a spot that most don’t understand or find themselves aware of. Thai massage isn’t massage in the same way that swedish and deep tissue is. Thai massage is done clothed on a mat on the ground and resembles passive yoga more than some sensual oiled session most massage therapists provide.

Thai massage has its place within western bodywork at this point and I’ve little doubt that in 30 years time it’ll be as ubiquitous as swedish and deep tissue are. I loathe to think massage therapists are ending their careers far too soon by working ineffectively and abusing their hands. Thai massage helps me make use of my feet, heels, toes and knees in a way that was liberating when I first started using it.

Over the holidays try this Thai neck massage out on friends and family. If their response is, “oh..that’s really tight or that feels really good” you’ll see why Thai massage is spreading. It’s extremely effective and easy to use.

If you’ve never had a Thai massage give yourself a Christmas treat and schedule a session. There’s no reason to continue having back pain. Call to schedule. 512 905 2298

Ma Roller for back pain pt.4

This is the last video in our series on low back pain and we include a deep hamstring stretch. People with low back pain can find huge relief from doing this regularly. Share with your friends and loved ones.

Link to purchase

Happy birthday Guruji

I was doing research the other night and realized BKS Iyengar’s birthday is today. I feel it appropriate to mention one of the teachers who’s most influenced my practice. If anyone lit up a sense of hope in me, hope of not only improving my health but of becoming a whole human being, Iyengar helped sparked my internal fire. Today he is 93 years old.

Soon after my first awakening to how great yoga was I went to the library in search of books. In and amongst the books was a copy of Light on Yoga, the book considered to be the bible of modern yoga. I was amazed at the photos as most are but what really blew my mind was the back of the book. If you have shoulder problems do these asanas, if you have digestive problems do these asanas…etc.

Could it be? Look at the photos! He’s got to know something about the body look at what he’s capable of. Ask your overweight doctor what shoulderstand does.

I knew I’d stumbled onto something huge. 8 years or so later, I’m still at it, breathing, stretching and working on my body one small piece at a time. As I reconnect and experience the great things a yoga practice brings I occasionally find a video like this series. I watched in awe last night, Iyengar makes me look like a novice.

This is part one of a series. If you have the time watch it all. It’s quite the demonstration.

link to the rest

So Iyengar is now 93 years old. The bushy eyebrowed lion of Pune has influenced most of the lineage of hatha yoga due to his intense focus on the alignment in poses. His alignment allows one to do yoga safely and over time deepen into the poses. Using props to help students open their bodies and aid in the process was one of his great influences on the practice as well.

Thank you so much Mr. Iyengar. May your life and teachings continue on. Thank you for providing a crack that lets all the light shine in.

It’s better than this?

A client I worked with recently had low back pain. As usual I had him lay down on the table and performed Thai massage on him. Having never had a massage before the client didn’t know what to expect, he just wanted help with his low back.

As we went along the client commented on how much better it felt already. I explained to him briefly how tight muscles cause pain. If I have him curl a dumbell and hold it for ten minutes he’ll report that his arm hurts. Same thing holds for your back. If muscles contract or stretch and stay that way without relief, pain is the result. If we get them to relax, your nervous system sighs in relief.

He told me he wished he could just stay this way. If he could only figure out how to remain like this he’d be fine. I told him he could, it’s called yoga. He said, “It’s better than this? Are you sure?” I laughed and explained to him that the very same things we’re doing together, he can do on his own. His advantage is that he can push himself right up to his edge, then breathe into it for a better stretch. The other is that he can take it with him wherever he goes. Once he’s learned yoga, he can use it whenever he wants.

He would be a non-traditional student. I’d guess he’s in his 60’s and he’s concerned about his health as he ages. He’s not limber, flexible or young. He’s certainly not a south Austin 25 year old hipster. He is however a perfect candidate for yoga. He’s human and smart enough to listen to how his body feels. His body feels better after Thai massage and his body will respond just as well to yoga. If he’s smart enough to follow his instincts his chocolate just might fall into his peanut butter. Chocolate is Thai massage and yoga is peanut butter, they belong together.

These healing traditions are for everyone. They can allow you to live a life you’ve only imagined.

Older age doesn’t mean decay and suffering, it means older age. No judgements. If you work with your body your physical form is maintained and you can be more healthy and more vibrant than you were at 20. You’ll certainly have more wisdom. He asked me why no one had told him about this Thai massage or yoga before, he’s had back pain for 15 years. I told him no one is sticking a camera in my face to let me tell people.

After finding a copy of Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar he expressed great optimism about aging. Iyengar is in his 90’s and though mostly retired from teaching he has an active practice. My client having a model for old age and living well made him even more optimistic about his life. After all, he’s got another 30 years to explore what he’s just found.

He recounted that he’s borderline diabetic but his blood sugar has stabilized. He’s not changed anything in his diet. When he asks me why I say, “no idea.” I smile and we continue exploring whatever it is we’re both doing that makes us feel so much better. This is the healing path.

Ma Roller for back pain pt.3

This is the 3rd installment in our series of easing back pain with the Ma roller. I know these videos seem simple but this is deep tissue massage you can do at home. A single investment in this tool and a little time will ease lots of tension in muscles related to posture.

If you’re a massage therapist share these videos with your clients.

To purchase

Another massage?

In working as a massage therapist I’ve encountered so many people and so many bodies that I’ve built a mental catalog of structural issues and things that cause musculoskeletal pain. When I began my work years ago I would ask clients questions, “What do you do for work, play, exercise? Where are you experiencing tightness or pain?” I began to dislike the answers I was given. The reason was that after about 500 clients I already knew what the answers were usually. Upper back and neck pain are the most obvious and I dedicated years of my life to studying the problem, working on my own pain from a whiplash and scoliosis.

Ten years later, I know what I’m doing. I still learn new things, new approaches and methods but I’m highly skilled at what I do. I’ve gone beyond just being a massage therapist. If someone tells me I’m just a massage therapist my hackles raise. You’ve not understood my teaching.

If you come to see me for bodywork I’ll do everything I can to help you. This includes the Thai massage you’re receiving but I’ll tell you to start doing yoga. Not if or maybe, I will mention it. It’s rare that I do not. I can have you be a regular client and help you, we can give you another massage. Bodywork is wonderful but active and passive forms of care are best and work together.

So here’s the deal. Do you want another massage or do you want to get better? If you want to heal, the best way to do that is take what I offer and work on your own healing. That is what I teach. It’s you. You can heal yourself. I’ve done it, continue to do it and best of all I can eat whatever I want. No worries or anxiety about food. My body hurts less, my joints improve, I dare say I’m mostly mentally stable and honestly yoga has helped me be one of the sanest people I know.

It’s not just me. Yoga is a tool. Use it. Bodywork and Thai massage are as well, use them. I teach and offer them both. I can give you the map, but you my friend must follow the path.

I’ll see you soon for your Thai massage and yoga class here in Austin and Round Rock.

Ma Roller for back pain pt.2

Here’s the second video in our series using the Ma roller. We begin working on the upper back and into the cervical spine. Keep in mind that I prefer you become comfortable using the roller on the lumbar spine first, then moving your way up. Share this with anyone who has back pain. It’s simple but extremely effective.

Link to purchase

Ma roller for back pain pt.1

The Ma roller is the best tool I’ve found for working with tight muscles in your back. These often cause back pain and nothing is as consistent in easing this muscle tension as this simple tool. Follow along with this video and go slow. This is part 1 of a 4 part series of techniques and tips on using the tool.

Link to purchase

What is Thai massage?

I get this question more than anything regarding my work. There isn’t really a category for what I do. I’m a yoga teacher, bodyworker and cook but really what I do is take my life’s work and offer it to you. If you have posture problems and back pain I can help you.

Thai massage is far too vast a subject for a single blog post but maybe this will become part one of ninety thousand. Thai massage is in short, the best bodywork I’ve ever received. I’ve devoted my life to practicing it along with yoga to pry apart the secrets of the human body and healing. In that ongoing quest to help myself I’ve become a wonderful person along the way, whatever seed was there originally has sprouted and is producing fruit.

I work on someone with back pain in ways they’re unfamiliar with. I move you around on a mat while clothed on the floor and stretch, press, pull and knead all the tension away. When you walk out of my office you feel taller, less encumbered and closer to how you felt when you were a baby, you could stand but without postural tension and distortion. The physical connects to the spiritual. I use the handle I’ve been given, the body. “The body is my temple and asana are my prayers.”~~BKS Iyengar

People often wonder how I know where to press or what to stretch. I can only communicate my experience over the past ten years. I’ve had more pain and aches than I care to remember but out of that reservoir of experience emerged a healer. I can unwind the patterns because I’ve experience unwinding them in myself. My maps are yoga and Thai massage. I had to travel the path though, otherwise it’s just images on a page.

You can take the journey as well. Thai massage is the best bodywork I’ve received and I’ve scoured the US and various states looking for more. If I find anything better I’ll learn it and start teaching it in addition. For now if you want the best massage in Austin or Round Rock, Texas you come to me. If you’re a massage therapist and want to learn Thai massage you come to me as well. You can settle for less in a bodyworker and healer but with the stress of family and jobs don’t you deserve the best? Isn’t it time you felt less pain and let someone help you feel good regularly? That, my friends, is what Thai massage is as well as yoga. It’s a path to healing.

Get a session before Christmas by calling soon. I don’t have much space available. Business is busy.

512 905 2298

Breaking the mold

I had a conversation with an associate where I was discussing business, marketing and how to draw clients in the 21st century. She has a small niche business she’s trying to grow as I’m working on my own and we were comparing notes. She mentioned that it sounded like I’d escaped the system. I found it odd but thinking on it I realize that it’s living in a city with so much tech industry. People often work for large corporations like Dell, Apple etc. Workers are concerned about downsizing, losing jobs and have high stress levels but I seem relaxed comparatively.

My choice to focus on healing work does not equal all joy with no work or stress. I’ve no insurance and have lived hand to mouth for the entire 10 years I’ve worked as a Thai massage therapist. Many times I’ve wanted to choose another field that would offer security, benefits and the chance at a better life but when I sit to think what I’d do, farmer is the closest to what I would choose. Healing work isn’t a job, it’s a calling. I do it because I’ve no other choice, not in the sense that it’s hopeless but in the sense that I simply have to follow my heart.

Part of my stress is seeing others like tech workers who’ve made choices that they deem necessary but then come to me with large amounts of stress and back pain. For ten years people have told me how much they hurt and ache, how little money they have and the untold amounts of time and energy pressure they’re under to keep performing in whatever roles they’ve chosen. I accept it, just comes with the job but usually I’m telling clients in a small humble way to change your life. Then you’ve no stress or at least less.

A client was late today and I had about 40 minutes of alone time before his Thai massage. I hung out, doing forward bends opening my hamstrings and breathing. A few downward dogs, half moons and headstands down the road then I did half downward dog against a wall. Upon standing I realized I was more calm, more balanced and my nervous system was free. It’s not bad for a break at work. I get to do yoga for a living. It doesn’t yet buy a home but that’s a matter of time. Breaking the mold will help you escape the system.

Think outside of the box, follow your dreams and let no one tell you that it’s impossible. Most who say it cannot be done have simply never tried.

Teaching Thai massage

In teaching Thai massage I’ve a daunting task. How does one pass down the traditional bodywork of a people whose country I’ve never visited? I’m a Scots-Irish kid from south Louisiana, I’m from the land of gumbo not coconut curry!

I learned Thai massage from a well trained and thoroughly versed teacher over the course of two years and was a teaching assistant for her classes in three different states. When I called my teacher one day and said, “I want to teach.” She just told me to, “Go! You know it, go teach.” That was enough for me.

In the midst of sharing this work I’m sharing ten years of in depth study of anatomy/physiology and my yoga practice. Everything is being slowly distilled into my students and I give the meaty chunks of the work, little is light or topical. A vein of ten years worth of practice is tapped to help people with posture problems and back pain. If students pay attention and absord what I’m passing along it’s no longer just Thai massage, it’s Thai massage from a western bodyworker and yoga instructor. That’s to say, you’re getting far more than you pay for.

Students can save their hands, work more efficiently and learn things that will help their clients long term. It’s not just a single session, we’re educating them so they can educate their clients. What we’re really teaching isn’t Thai massage, it isn’t western massage, it’s healing. Healing has no copyright and can’t truly be taught. I pass along techniques, you pick them up and with heart centered focus use them until you intuitively grasp the healing that can be done.

Yoga isn’t just learned in India, nor Thai massage in Thailand. Healing is where you find it. If you want to learn Thai massage, take a class with me soon.