Staying Relaxed

A friend asked me how I stay so relaxed. He knows of my business, how frenetically I work and sees the constant output but yet I sat, relaxed, open, receptive. He did catch me at a good moment but the honest truth is that I work so much I go to sleep dreaming about what my next project is. It’s taken an inordinate amount of work to restore my health and with all that bodywork and yoga, I learned how to let go. It’s still a practice, still work on my part but it’s helped tremendously.

Another thing I do beyond Thai massage, yoga and other bodywork is acroyoga. I was introduced to it by friends in the Austin Acro Community. Grant Shipman and I have lots of conversations about community, business and the changing world that Thai massage and acroyoga are in.

Grant started an acrobatic yoga group called Yogabatics and put out a free video series. The first of which you can see below.

Since Grant has done his best to provide innovative new ways to help me stay relaxed in my free time I thought it was time to show him off on the blog. If you’d like to contribute to his ongoing video project you can learn about it here.


As my practice grows and I gain skill I notice how I’ve whittled away at the unnecessary. Much like a stone in a river my edges are worn and I learn to work with gravity, not against it. Using muscles to fight a client, isn’t as easy as pulling a client along and allowing them to let go in their own time. In yoga class and in Thai massage the goal is often tricking the client or student into letting go.

Partner yoga or what’s sometimes called acro yoga changes the relationship with gravity on the receiver allowing someone to allow their spine to fall open. As I continue to learn small amounts I’ve begun using it with clients to great benefit. The change in gravity is a great boon you can’t achieve otherwise. Letting go is easy once you change the client’s position in gravity. In its own way it’s a brilliant use of physics to accomplish a goal easily.

Much like inversions in yoga are beneficial you get the same benefit from acro yoga. The difference is that you’re tractioning the spine and allowing the receiver to release into the inversion much like someone lets go in a Thai massage session. If you’re used to yoga the sensation isn’t so unfamiliar but for the uninitiated it feels like freedom. With a good secure base flying you you feel like you can finally let go. Gravity helps you, nature supports your release instead of feeling like you’re pulled down into a slump.

Merry Christmas. Let’s hope more people learn that gravity is their friend in the new year.

Acro Yoga

Years ago while doing research on Thai massage I discovered something called Acro Yoga. Looking at a few photos I thought, “that’s like Thai massage but the gravity is different.” Like many things I run into online I put it aside, just another fact running through my head.

At some point I was made aware that there was an active Acro Yoga community in the Austin area. I found a group on facebook and joined just to see what was being passed around. Occasionally there were posts about Thai massage and as I continued reading over time things became more clear. I invited some of the community in for a Thai massage class I was having to be bodies, demonstration partners for the class. That my friend is how friends are made.

I’ve kept in touch with one friend in particular through this venture and soon after the class an Austin Thai Massage group formed on facebook. They were particularly interested in what I do and I joined them for an evening. I was immediately asked to lead and taught a little. Relishing their enthusiasm for Thai massage I’ve continued working with them and have become friends with many over time. They ask questions and I give it away, it’s a donation, the only time I’m giving away what I do out of care for the tradition of Thai massage.

Acro Yoga Austin

We had a slumber party retreat this weekend and the attendees do various forms of Acro Yoga and Thai massage through the night and next day. Everyone is friendly, fun and personable. The touch involved in partnered activities forms a close knit group of people I’m growing to care for deeply. This isn’t work, this is healing community. Thanks so much to the community for allowing me to join your ranks. Thanks also to those who came out this weekend.

Acro Yoga Austin back bend

I look forward to delving into Acro Yoga more. The traction that it allows the human spine is amazing. Acro Yoga is Thai massage exponentially more free, we’re changing the gravity and letting your spine grow long. One day maybe I’ll be teaching Acro Yoga and offering therapeutic sessions to clients.