
Staying Relaxed

A friend asked me how I stay so relaxed. He knows of my business, how frenetically I work and sees the constant output but yet I sat, relaxed, open, receptive. He did catch me at a good moment but the honest truth is that I work so much I go to sleep dreaming about what my next project is. It’s taken an inordinate amount of work to restore my health and with all that bodywork and yoga, I learned how to let go. It’s still a practice, still work on my part but it’s helped tremendously.

Another thing I do beyond Thai massage, yoga and other bodywork is acroyoga. I was introduced to it by friends in the Austin Acro Community. Grant Shipman and I have lots of conversations about community, business and the changing world that Thai massage and acroyoga are in.

Grant started an acrobatic yoga group called Yogabatics and put out a free video series. The first of which you can see below.

Since Grant has done his best to provide innovative new ways to help me stay relaxed in my free time I thought it was time to show him off on the blog. If you’d like to contribute to his ongoing video project you can learn about it here.