
Yoga Means Union

Yoga is an ancient practice that has influenced me for many years. I continue to play with hatha yoga, explore breath and work my way into asana while avoiding injury. The practice was first a means of helping my body deal with the physical pain that came from poor alignment after being hit by a drunk driver. Over time the practice is fun, challenging, playful, serious, spiritual and every shade in between.

I’ve been so busy lately I’ve had little time for a practice. I found myself with some space tonight, lit candles to warm the studio then worked my way through some poses while watching my breath. That is to say, I slow down my respiration, breathe through my nose purposefully and allow the breath and body to merge into each other. You’re joining the body and breath to then access the mind and spirit.

In the space of a minute my emotions could go from tears to a smile that permeates everything. There have been so many challenges in the past 14 years since that accident. The one thing I never lost was the belief that life was what I made it. I decided to get better. Excuse me if I smile uncontrollably or shed a tear when I consider what life has given me.

What use is money?

Over time I continue to explore my issues and concerns with money. Running a business and working the logistics has its ups and downs. People think massage is glamorous, yoga teaching as well but mainly I wash lots of sheets and spend time saying, “lift your kneecap.”

One strong theme running through my concerns with money runs contrary to what I hear other bodyworkers engage in. I do not operate a revolving door.

If you come to me and get Thai massage and based on my experience I think you’ll do better long term by practicing Bikram yoga, I’ll tell you so. When you come in for bodywork I will give you 110%. Always, every time within my own limitations. I set myself out a long time ago to do anything within my power to help people heal. If yoga will help you be well longer so that my sessions are unecessary then so be it.

Many when hearing this from me wonder, “how will you make money if the clients leave?” I laugh when I hear this as I think it runs completely contrary to how healing services should operate. I don’t put a bandaid on a tumor and expect you to come back every week. I like having return clients but even my regular clients I try to lift up enough so they can work on themselves. There’s More than I can do out there. You can feel Better than what I provide. That’s called yoga. It’s you, harnessing you to make a better you.

Here’s the point: I will Never put money above your health and well being. Never.

So, if I work with someone who has carpal tunnel syndrome and they get better, they may stop getting sessions with me. Good. How will I get clients? I will have clients because that person refers their friends and family. When they meet someone at the grocery store with carpal tunnel problems where will they send them? That’s how businesses are made and grow.

Nothing I do is a trade secret. I’m giving it away. Youtube videos, blog posts, public demonstrations and teaching sessions in the Austin Thai massage and therapeutics (you can find them on facebook) group are free. They cost nothing to clients or students. Why do I give it away?

I believe health is your birthright. It’s yours though often you may have to work for it. That information should be freely available. I had to work to find it but I offer it for free. Why? My world is not made a better place by holding knowledge at bay for another dollar. My world improves when people with good posture, healthy spines and good breathing wander the landscape. They’re happy, they’re healthy and they live better lives that enrich mine.

Hopefully I’ve worked hard so you don’t have to. You don’t have to search. You have questions, you ask. Money will come, money will go but I never set out on my healing path for money. If I have ill health, what use is money? If I have ill health, nothing else matters.

Quit focusing on money and focus on what inspires you. Money has to be considered to pay the bills but I will never operate my business and healing practice to squeeze a nickel out of someone. People first. Healing first. Money? You must consider it but I don’t let it control all of my actions. I will never treat you as a commodity.

You cannot purchase integrity. That’s what I have. I’ve earned it. You deserve a bodyworker as good as I am. That’s what I’m trying to create in Austin, Tx. We’ve come here to heal.


Mental states have much to do with our success not only in life overall but dealing with our health. For many years I’ve been a pessimist. My feelings about humanity, our species involvement with the planet and our direction have left me feeling lacking many times. Pessimism is taking in life and presuming that the worst will come. I admit I’m not as pessimistic about individuals but about society as a whole.

Over the years I’ve noticed my perspective change. For the first time I’ve become an optimist. I’ve had thoughts that surprised me, thoughts where I looked down the road to something seemingly bad and said, “oh, that’ll turn into something good somehow.” More than anything I consider myself a realist. I don’t wish for rose colored glasses but illusion does no one any good. Ridding myself of notions has been a matter of repeatedly changing perspective and then realizing that I don’t know everything. Variables prevent the scientific method and they prevent our selves from forming strong conclusions due to lack of information.

As my health improves, as I age and learn what I do not know I’m able to settle into a far happier place. This place can often be where paradox lives. Optimism and pessimism all live in perspective, my suggestion is to continue to change it.

A client with some health issues was asking me for assistance. I told her that I’m happy to give her bodywork, happy to teach her yoga but in her particular state Bikram yoga would be a huge asset. She was told calmly that I’ve no wish to keep her as a client, that I prefer she get better, move on and tell her friends I assisted her healing process. I do not operate a revolving door.

This frankness, this direct expression of a client not being another paycheck to me is necessary. When you work with me, you work with me. All of my flaws, foibles and errors of judgement are included in that. I continue to shift my mental states along with my health. Healers must be honest with themselves and honest with clients.

I smiled as I pulled into Yogagroove for my regular Bikram yoga class only to see my client leaving the studio after practice. She’ll not need me for very long if she keeps going. This is good and life helps me become an optimist.