
Ask A Massage Therapist

I recently did a facebook live called Ask a Massage Therapist and decided that this in its own simple way was the answer to many of the issues massage therapists have in their industry. I’ve decided to see if we can build a movement of therapists who use facebook live to educate. I’d like you to join in.

1: Do a facebook live on Monday called: Ask a Massage Therapist.

Make it 10 minutes or so and just ask your fans and followers to ask any questions they have about our work and respond. You can make posts in advance to let people know that you’re going live to build some buzz.

I hope it builds into a large movement.

2: After the fact you can share your video and results in the Massage Entrepreneurs group on facebook.

How to Find Good Massage on a Budget

I don’t think anyone wants a cheap massage so much as they want an inexpensive high quality session. As a massage therapist who has worked in various facilities in my fifteen years I’m going to give you insider information on how to get the most for your massage dollar.



  • If you have insurance you need to check with your insurance company and see if they cover massage as part of a wellness plan with a chiropractors office. If your insurance does this is absolutely the cheapest way to get regular work.

  • Find a local massage school and go to their student clinic.



    Most schools like Lauterstein Conway Massage School here in Austin have a student clinic where current students are practicing towards getting their license. Currently they charge $40 for an hour and that’s some of the least expensive in town. When you go you’re free to ask for a student who may be near the end of their clinical hours. That means that they have the skills just no license as of yet.

    Pick the therapist whose work you really like and give them a business card with your name and contact info on it. Tell them to contact you as soon as they get their license because you’d like to hire them for regular sessions.

    Most therapists who are starting out would die for a few regular clients to pad their practice and it’s a great way to pitch to the therapist that you’d like regular work at such and such a rate however regularly you prefer. This is the sweet spot because a seasoned professional is usually busy enough that they’re less inclined to give discounts.

    If you check your local schools you can find classes that are usually for massage therapists. In many cases you can take these classes and receive some work while you learn.
    If you’re open to taking classes with your partner it’s inexpensive to find a used table on craigslist and practice on each other. In fact, if you find a therapist who’s willing you can get someone to visit and teach you to work on each other.


  • I personally run an event in Austin called Thai massage jam® where I teach people how to work on each other for nearly free. You can get information on those events as they come up. Join us on Meetup and on Facebook.

  • Beyond that I’m amazed at how few people use youtube as a resource. Youtube videos go all over the map in their audio and video quality but there are many therapists like myself who put out quality videos showing you how to work on a table or off a table.

As in all professions, you do get “what you pay for”. If you want an expert with years of experience or with a specific advanced training, you will no doubt be paying $75 or more per hour – and many advanced practitioners are certainly worth it.

I hope you find the massage you’re looking for. Ask around. Talk to people and keep searching. Your therapist will be happy you did.

What is Thai massage again?

I hear this question often and nothing prevents Thai massage from blowing up in our area other than the fact that no one knows what it is. As I teach the work, hear more perspectives and refine my own I’ve come to think of Thai massage as a mixture of yoga and the martial arts, without the martial. It gives you the ability to do great healing work but if used inappropriately much like karate or kung fu you can hurt someone.

Thai massage easy twist

In short it’s amazing, simple and easy to use bodywork for the masses. In 20 years or so Thai massage will be as common as swedish and deep tissue is now. Trust me. There’s a class coming up in May. Sign up.

Thai massage leg pull Robert Gardner Wellness


The holidays are upon us full force. While we’re eating turkey, being thankful and celebrating with family remember these can also be stressful times of the year. Bodywork and yoga are your friends, use them.

People sometimes tell me when they find out I’m a massage therapist or yoga instructor, “Oh! Of course, you’re so calm and relaxed, no wonder you went into that for a job.” I often giggle and respond, “Relaxed? It’s taken years of hard work and breathing with focus to Learn to be this calm.” I didn’t just arrive at decent health and more calm, I worked for it.

Riding in a car with a friend I realized I got extremely anxious. I was worried they weren’t watching the road and it dawned on me that all these years later, I’m still more nervous when other people drive. In the car accident I was in, someone else was driving so there’s this fear, this anxiety about loss of control. Even I get stressed and have bad days. Yoga and bodywork is how I deal with it.

These traditions have been maintained and passed down because they work. Don’t forget them over the holidays.


I almost loathe the word expert. It’s tossed around so willy nilly that people talk to me and consider me an expert on gardening or worm composting but if you looked at our garden, well, you might think twice about listening to my advice. I’m still trying to figure it out.

Occasionally someone will call me a yoga master and as I appreciate the compliment I remind myself that I know what seems like nothing. I may know a little more than you but that just means I’m a step ahead. If you want to be where I’m at just take some time and practice after reading a few books. The words expert and master exist in some relative space. It only means something in context. Next to the average guy in the supermarket, sure I’m a yoga expert. Stand me next to BKS Iyengar and I know nothing. I can’t even stand on my feet correctly.

What I know comes from books, asking questions, google, reading and study but the heart comes from my own experience. There may be better ways but I’m not aware of them. If I did, that’s what I’d be teaching. When I lead student through a yoga pose I’m leading them through what I do. Over time the yoga of teaching gets stronger and with feedback I’m more aware of the nuances in their practice but what I know, in my heart, is my practice.

How does someone become an expert? I think you continue to grow, push and explore. Being an individual means you take your own path, not someone else’s. My students are told time and again that it’s their yoga, not mine. I will lead you through to the best of my ability through what I’ve done but you must make the practice your own. Yoga is about feel. I can’t teach you to sense every nerve, cell and nuance while breathing into it. That’s you. Your job. I point the way, you walk.

Knowing the boundaries and parameters of bodywork means well, honestly folks I’m a snob. I hate using that word but it’s as if I’ve been working and cooking in 4 star plus restaurants and someone wants me to pretend fast food is high cuisine. I’m picky about bodywork and with a public who may not have explored the work of massage warehouse surplus may be fine. That may work well and be what those people need. I offer more. There are days I wish I could receive my own bodywork.

Mastery is the word I prefer. I’ve achieved a level of mastery. Granted I’m not even sure what that level is. I’ve never completed Bikram’s yoga in totality through a sequence. For six years I’ve worked and I still cannot hold all the balance poses, go deeper into some etc. It’s fine though, having heart and perseverance will beat out any in born skill over time. Tortoise and the hare.

Currently my level of mastery means I want an audience. I want people to listen. I wish for students to sit and ask questions, let me talk and converse with them on the state of our health care system. Yoga and bodywork are a solid foundation along with local food to base your health upon. There will always be more. Being an expert and developing mastery mean this, you’re painfully aware of the limitations of your knowledge. That is where I am. Painfully aware.

Ma Roller for back pain pt.3

This is the 3rd installment in our series of easing back pain with the Ma roller. I know these videos seem simple but this is deep tissue massage you can do at home. A single investment in this tool and a little time will ease lots of tension in muscles related to posture.

If you’re a massage therapist share these videos with your clients.

To purchase