
What is Thai massage pt.4

Thai massage is old world asian physical therapy. You’re not having a client do exercises but the therapist is helping extend range of motion in joints, softening muscle tissue and allowing the nervous system to idle in neutral.

Many people are keyed up. Modern life in cities is a constant blur and trying to remain sane is often a struggle. To say we’re scattered is putting it lightly. In yoga I’ve heard teachers talk about what it means to embodied. As a yoga teacher and practitioner I completely understand that process and its value. Thai massage allows me to give clients a small taste of that.

Life can be fun, full of joy and you can have less pain. Being in your body, enjoying the sensations of a therapist compressing muscle and moving you around can produce warm, glowing, nurturing sensations. In a culture where people touch little and have high degrees of back pain, Thai massage is desperately needed.

Low stress, better health and a more integrated sense of well being? Sign me up! Thai massage is the best.

Thai massage for hands

Hands that get constant use also need regular tlc. As a massage therapist the work I do with my hands keeps me going, allowing me to work on clients without concern that I’m harming myself in the process. Thai bodywork in particular allows a therapist to work effectively using more of your body and leverage to save my digits and carpals.

In this sequence we show a simple to use and learn set of techniques to work on hands and forearms. This opens the carpals and stretches tiny muscles in the hand that are often tense causing hand pain or tingling fingers. The traction to the fingers decompresses joints and creates for space for free flow of blood and nutrition to your hands.

The model in this video is Erika Maassen, a local musician. Her dog Maggie is featured in our how to massage your dog video from a few weeks back. Erika plays ukulele, piano and guitar in addition to spending time at a keyboard so the work we do on her hands is greatly appreciated and helps keep her performing.